Resources + Information
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Last updated 3/31/20
Relevant Articles
Policy Response
Policy suggestions + advocacy opportunities
Policy Suggestions from the National Health Care for the Homeless Council:
Identify appropriate isolation/quarantine venues
Prevent loss of housing & health care services
Expand shelter capacity & deliver services to unsheltered populations
Ensure providers have supplies & protective equipment
Expand medical respite care programs
Read more about these policies here.
Join the National Low Income Housing Coalition’s Disaster Recovery Housing Coalition.
The group holds webinars on housing and homelessness resources in the COVID-19 stimulus package every Monday at 2:30 pm EST. Register and view past webinars at the link above.
Their in-depth congressional recommendations address the urgent needs of both homeless and low-income Americans as well as long-term solutions. Read them here.
relevant federal policies + actions
CARES Act ($2 trillion Stimulus Package, signed on 3/27)
Key components of the package:
Stimulus checks:
Most adults will get a $1,200 check, receiving an additional $500 for each dependent aged 16 or under.
Checks are based on income as reported on 2019 tax returns (or 2018 if you haven’t filed yet). Adults earning $75,000 or less will get the full amount.
Calculate your estimated check using this tool from the Washington Post.
Increased unemployment benefits:
Jobless insurance was extended by 13 weeks.
Benefits were enhanced for four months.
Self-employed workers, including gig workers, freelancers, and independent contractors, are newly eligible for unemployment.
Small business emergency loans
Government loans for larger companies (with restrictions)
Aid for hospitals
Read an in-depth FAQ from the New York Times here.
Families First Coronavirus Response Act (signed into law on 3/18/20)
Includes paid sick leave, insurance coverage of coronavirus testing, nutrition assistance, and unemployment benefits.
Provisions especially relevant to hunger and homelessness:
Additional funding for WIC, TEFAP, and SNAP (food assistance programs)
Ensuring children are fed through the Maintaining Essential Access to Lunch For Students (MEALS) Act, COVID-19 Child Nutrition Response Act, and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Waivers.
Medicaid, CHIP, and Medicare now fully cover COVID-19 testing.
Get a detailed summary of the Act from the Kaiser Family Foundation and read the entire Act here.
Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2020 (signed into law on 3/6/20)
Allocates $6.7 billion for the domestic response (focused on prevention) and $1.6 billion for international efforts.
Get a detailed summary from the Kaiser Family Foundation and read the entire Act here.
relevant State policies + actions
See overview at
More Resources
The United States Interagency Council on Homelessness’s page on COVID-19 has a plethora of best practices along with examples of how communities are addressing the crisis.
Subscribe to the National Health Care for the Homeless Council’s weekly email, which has updates on the status of COVID-19 and the homeless population. View a recent newsletter here.
The CDC released guidelines for homeless service providers.
The Kaiser Family Foundation’s coronavirus articles.